BACK TO SCHOOL WITH SKILLS! How Tae Kwon Do Can Help Your Child Make This School Year Their Best Ever!

Back to school time not only means summer vacation is wrapping up, but also brings the excitement and anxiety that come with the new school year. Each school year brings hopes of new friends, better education and fun experiences. It can also bring fear of your child not having the right social skills, getting bullied or falling behind in their academics – all areas that martial arts can help with. Read on to learn how Tae Kwon Do can help your child by making this their best school year to date!

Greater level of focus

One of the key skills your child can learn through the practicing of Tae Kwon Do is focus! Focus is the ability to pay attention to the right things at the right time. When training with a partner, students are physically and mentally engaged in the moment with reacting and staying aware. This hypersensitivity translates to the ability to stay on task when it comes to homework and listening to parents. The concept of purposely positioning our body in an upright posture also reinforces good energy levels and easier to retain the information given to a student during class.  

Enhanced leadership skills

Another key life skill that can help your kids at school is leadership. Again, Tae Kwon Do fosters this aspect of life, as it’s at the heart of being an effective and competent martial artist. In Tae Kwon Do, your child will learn how to become an active decision-maker – being able to decide in the moment what to do, and how to do it. This aspect of martial arts helps to nurture confidence to a high level, and especially the confidence to follow your own gut instincts – that is a skill we could all benefit from!

More confidence when socializing

Many children find socializing an anxious experience, and as parents, we all want our kids to make lots of friends and be happy with their peers. This is another key area of Tae Kwon Do – where students are more focused on collaboration rather than competition. Any world-class Tae Kwon Do training will teach your children that self-improvement works best within a community environment – after all, a rising tide lifts all boats. Everyone is working towards a common goal, and that helps to make kids feel that they are a part of a community – a feeling that every child needs. Moreover, your child will learn to socialize with their sparring partners, and to feel comfortable standing, talking, and performing in front of a group of their peers.

Higher levels of self-esteem

In Tae Kwon Do, children are taught that any skill in life can be worked on and mastered. Self-improvement is key, and the ability to set goals, work towards them, and ultimately achieve them, is central to martial arts training. Teaching your child that they can achieve whatever they set their mind on, and more importantly, providing them with the skills to actually carry this out, can provide enormous benefits to their performance at school.

The benefits that Tae Kwon Do can provide to your child’s self-esteem not only helps them to nurture positive life skills, but can also help them to avoid negative experiences. As parents, we all fear the idea of our child being bullied – often, a lack of self-esteem can lead a child to think they deserve to be treated unkindly. However, with Tae Kwon Do training, not only is a child constantly reminded of the positive aspects of themselves, but they also gain the strength and courage to stand up to bullies. Martial arts are essentially about control, and with Tae Kwon Do, your child can learn to take control of the situations they experience.

Learning to set goals

A key aspect of Tae Kwon Do is setting and achieving goals – from honing new skills, to rising through the belt-ranks. Knowing where you want to go, and then moving in that direction, is a skill that all children can benefit from. Learning how to set goals and work towards them is a skill that is applicable to all areas of life, and can dramatically increase a child’s educational performance. In Tae Kwon Do we focus on setting achievable goals, goals that will motivate your child to work hard, and ensure that each goal has specific, trackable targets to be met. This helps to foster concentration, discipline, and a sense of purpose – skills that are essential for a healthy, well-rounded young adult.

Learning how to respond to setbacks

Another essential ingredient of martial arts training is learning how to respond to setbacks. Unfortunately, we cannot ensure that our children go through life without experiencing some sort of setback, and that’s why in Tae Kwon Do schools, we view the notion of bouncing back from perceived “failure” as one of the most important life skills. Whether a student loses a sparring match, has difficulty breaking a board or becomes frustrated learning a new technique , our focus is on ensuring that your child does not view setbacks as failures, but merely one step on the road to success – even the greatest masters have lost at some point in time!

This list is just some of the ways that Tae Kwon Do training can help your child to be the best version of themselves. Tae Kwon Do is so much more than a sport, and as we have tried to emphasize, the personal life skills that are developed through practicing the sport are invaluable to a young person starting their journey in life. To learn more about what actually occurs during Tae Kwon Do tuition, you can read our blog series below:

·         Top Reasons To Try Tae Kwon Do: Part 1 of 3

·         Top Reasons To Try Tae Kwon Do: Part 2 of 3

·         Top Reasons To Try Tae Kwon Do: Part 3 of 3


About the Author:If you are motivated to try one of our Tae Kwon Do classes, getting started is easy! Master Justin Scarsella has been teaching with his team of talented instructors in Birmingham since 2004, and World Class Tae Kwon Do Schools have been operating across the country since 1983! Their top-rated instruction methods, along with the time and care dedicated to each student’s needs and abilities, have seen him receive glowing reviews throughout his career. He now has two locations in the Hoover and Birmingham areas, and his classes cater to all ages, aged 4 and up – even families can take part together! You can try your first three classes FREE – which includes a FREE uniform!


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